Nearly 80,000 visitors expected for Wausau's annual Artrageous weekend

WAUSAU, Wis. (WAOW) — Downtown Wausau and Marathon Park will be filled with art this weekend as part of Wausau's annual Artrageous weekend.

The Convention and Visitor's Bureau estimates nearly 80,000 people will flock to Wausau for the annual event, generating $3.5 million in economic impact.

Artists from 13 different states will be on hand to have their art judged, talked about and bought.

Organizers say even if you aren't an artist, there's plenty to appreciate about the weekend.

"Creativity is so important to everyone's personality and soul and everybody can enjoy art even if they aren't buying it, you can come you can look and talk to the artists," said Zoe Morning, the Festival of Arts Coordinator.

In all, the weekend involves four organizations: The Wausau Festival of Arts, Art in the Park, Woodson Museum and Center for the Visual Arts.

Free city bus service will be available to take you between the four events.

Original news link:


Artists from around the globe arrive for Wausau’s Artrageous Weekend


Artrageous Weekend fun for all