Wausau Festival of Arts celebrates 60 years
WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW)—Wausau is flooded with art lovers for ARTrageous Weekend. The Wausau Festival of Arts is one of four art-themed events around our city.
The festival is fun for the whole family. There was live music, food, and a whole lot of art.
The selection process starts in January when artists can apply to be judged for entry. Over 200 people applied, but only 126 artists were selected. They have everything from watercolor to jewelry on display and available to buy.
“[The judges] look at the quality of the art. Is the technique good? Are they bringing something innovative to art,” festival coordinator Zoe Morning said.
Apart from an opportunity to sell their art, the festival gives out scholarships and awards every year. One photographer, Nick Bossenbroek, got his start here through their emerging artist program.
“I love it here,” he said. “It’s a pretty small art festival, but people show up.”
He encourages people to come out and support small businesses.
“The people here who do the art festivals do everything,” he said. “They really appreciate it when you come up and show your support.”
The festival is open again Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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Original news link: https://www.wsaw.com/2024/09/08/wausau-festival-arts-celebrates-60-years/